Monday, October 12, 2009

Nothing to report

Except for some more rolling during the night and two brief rain showers
this morning, not much to say about this easy sailing downwind. I feel
more and more like a gentleman, as I have heard several of my friends in
Austalia and New Zealand remind me that gentlemen only sail downwind.
We are 70 miles away from the smallest independant state in the world,
the island of Niue, with, I am told, as few as 230 people living there.
The island was devastated by a hurricane about 10 years ago and most of
its 2000 inhabitants were evacuated to New Zealand and stayed there. We
should see it tomorrow morning, depending on this changing wind.
Although the wind is likely to remain easterly, it is also expected to
be very weak until the morning of the last day when it will establish
itself again at 15 to 20 knots. So, I think it very likely that we will
arrive in Neiafu in the morning of the 15th.

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