Monday, February 8, 2010


I keep using the word Gennaker, but I must confess that I don't really
know what it is. What I see is a flat spinnaker with one point marked
tack and the other one clew. Setting it up like a spinnaker works well
for me and we have been doing since we set it up on a spinnaker pole an
average of 6.08 knots. I take it.
Everybody is telling me that I am about to lose the wind. Fortunately,
so far, the wind is staying steady at 10 to 15 from ESE. If I look at
the Grib files, indeed it should weaken seriously but leaving us enough
to keep moving.
Life aboard has not quite settled down yet, but it is coming slowly.
Breakfast at 8 when we change watch, lunch at noon, so far mostly pasta
salads and vegetable, then cocktails at 6:30 (so far I am practically
the only one drinking), and then dinner after 7:30. Last night was pork
chops in white wine and cauliflowers "au gratin". Tonight chicken
"basquaise". Yesterday was lamb chops green beans "a l'italienne" (go to :-)).
After tonight, we will be left with one meal of lamb chops and two of
eggs. After that, we can switch to fish without fear of donating too
much to the australian health authorities.
We started fishing yesterday morning, but no success. At least, we have
not lost any lure yet.
I still believe that we could be in Sydney by next Tuesday, February 16
during the day.

News Flash : As this blog entry is about to go away in cyberspace, we
just caught a small bonita but I can't release the weight as it got
cooked and eaten before I could weigh it.

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