Thursday, March 11, 2010

Cookle Bay

I am taking another day off before the final evening of the meeting.
I realise that there might be readers out there who keep wondering what is that stuff called the brotherhood of the coast.
My personal definition, shared only by myself is : it is a highly disorganised group of boaters bound by love of the sea and sense of friendship. Nothing more, nothing less. We are approximately 3,000 worldwide over some 32 countries and we like to meet somewhere in the world once every four years. In 2006, we met in Buenos Aires and there we decided that the next meeting would take place in Sydney, Australia in 2010. Which is why I sailed away from Norfolk to get here.

The other practical detail that I need to share with the readers since there has been some change in the setup of the transponder that transmits my position twice a day. If you are asked for a user name and password, the username is "brisegalets" and the password is "papy jovial 41".

If you want to see the whole track of the boat since I left Norfolk, then go to "", clique on "localisation STW", then on the drop down menu "localisation des bateaux en mer" and then on "suivre les bateaux equipes" and that should take you there. Click on "asset map" on the top left and choose Papy Jovial.

Tonight we will say Farewell to all the brothers who have gathered here in Sydney and we will start preparation for the voyage back home via Brisbane, Cairns, Darwin, Broome, Port Headland, Mauritius, Reunion, Capetown, Cabedelo, Porto Rico and up the east coast of the US.

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