Friday, May 10, 2013

Easterly for ever

Still going east when we need to go north, but the wind has decided for us. Jean-Paul and I keep stugying the grib files and the weather charts, and the conclusion remains the same, we cannot tack until tomorrow afternoon around 6.
We are also closing on the area where the crew of "Grain de Soleil" might be drifting in their liferaft. However, the potential area is 215 miles from north to south and 135 miles from east to west. Chances to be able to see them are very slim. From the deck of Papy Jovial, we cannot see beyond brobably 2 miles each side. That is to say that the strip made by those 4 miles would be slimmer than a line done by a fine pencil on the chart.
However, we will be sailing in this area from south to north and will keep our eyes peeled, hoping for a miracle.
Based on what we see on the grib files and on what the network "Le Reseau du Capitaine" tells us, we will definitely tack tomorrow to go north.
If all goes well, we still might arrive in Horta by the 16th.
We are all doing well, Karen is slowly building up her sea legs and Jean-Paul and I are finding a good rythm in terms of taking naps and keeping watch.
Nothing much more to say. Or maybe inspiration is not there. Whatever. Time for drinks, see you tomorrow.

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