Saturday, June 26, 2010

Papy Jovial has a new prop

Finally we got it installed. I had ordered from Brisbane a Variprop 3 blades which was supposed to be shipped to Darwin to be installed. Obviously we have had a few hickups along the way, but eventually we got it done. We had to haul out again as the carinning stand was not available and there were no other solution in the short term. This allowed us to install the prop with no time pressure. The only disappointment is to find out that the antifouling paint that was applied in New Zealand for some reason is peeling off in a big way and it is a good thing that we are going without delay otherwise I don't feel that we have a lot of protection. Hopefully, it will hold up until we get to South Africa, where I want to haul out again to install wings on the keel to try and reduce the drift when going to weather.
While in Darwin, we also got the bearings in the roller fuler changed, had some minor repairs done on the sails and changed one of the spare halyards.
I am still apprehensive at the prospect of sailing from Reunion to East London across the Mozambique channel and as we get closer I want to make sure that Papy Jovial is as ready as can be.

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