Thursday, December 23, 2010

family time

I feel almost guilty that there will be much less postings in the two coming weeks as I am welcoming aboard Papy Jovial, first daughter Anne, PHD in Marine Biology, scientific journalist, starting a career as a painter and art photographer, from December 22 till January 1st. She will be joined on December 30 by her sister Patricia, architect and "green" expert, who lives in Quebec and will be coming with daughter Alice, 16 years old, who will live through her first experience at sea.
I wish I had been a better father in the past, but here is an opportunity to catch up somewhat, and the blog will come second.
Last Monday, I sailed as planned from Le Marin back to Pointe du Bout. Again, luck was on our side and I got a spot alongside, which makes it a lot more convenient to do the provisioning and to come and go as we wish without having to synchronize everything with the dinghy.
Anne arrived on Wednesday afternoon, only one hour late despite all the delays that air traffic was experiencing in France. She was of course exhausted and had to adjust to the time difference, so the holidays start only today.
At first, I was planning to go to Dominica, but we have been told that there is a heavy swell making its way to the northern part of the Antilles, and I want to keep everybody as comfortable as can be. So, we might satisfy ourselves with a tour of Martinique, which is far from a bad idea.
Maybe if we spend time at anchor will I find the time to work on the computer and tell it all.
Meanwhile, happy Christmas everyone


PTx (Jajão) said...

Happy Christmas to you all.
We do not accept excuses for lack of news from you, Papy Jovial. Now, you have three executive secretaries to keep us informed.
Wellcome aboard.

Sam Johns said...

I hope that you enjoy your daughters as much as I do & I know that you will, a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you & your family
YOur friend Sam Johns