Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Happy times out of esight

After leaving Dowry Creek, we sailed directly to Casper marina in Swansboro where Blue Moon, with Preston and Sherry, had arrived about one hour before us. This gave us the opportunity to spend a very nice evening together. It also gave me the opportunity to convince them to make a stop in Wrightsville Beach and spend time with Thom and Barbara.
The next day, we had to negociate together 4 bridges (Onslow, Surf city, Figure eight and Wrightville Beach) and we tied up at Dockside after clearing the last bridge at 4 p.m. on Friday November 9. Thom was already there to greet us with all kinds of goodies and by the time Barbara joined us, we were already drinking and munching aboard Blue Moon. We then moved on to Thom and Barbara house for a very pleasant and nice dinner prepared by the lady of the house.
Saturday, Preston and Sherry had to move on as they have to be at a specific time in Jacksonville and fly from there.
Karen and I stayed at Dockside, and after we fixed the connection on the antenna of my GPS (or rather after Thom fixed it) we went for a late breakfast at an omelet place. Very good breakfast. Then Thom graciously let us use his car so that we could fill up one of our propane tanks, do some shopping at Harris Teeter and put all that in the boat. We joined then again at their house and had another of those wonderful dinner, wonderful because of the company, because of the food (excellent steaks grilled outside by Thom) and the wine. And Barbara was all excited as Notre Dame was playing that night (against Boston college) and they won by a wide margin.
At 6:45 next morning, they were both at Dockside to see us off with fresh bagels and cream cheese.
Lots of quality time with excellent friends.
We then sailed on to an anonymous marina, named Cricket Cove marina, with minimum service (electricity, water, trash, and if you did not mind walking a long way, showers facilities). But comfortable and affordable, and we then moved on to Georgetown that we reached today.
We will spend the evening at the "Big Tuna", crash in early, and leave for Charleston where we intend to stay two nights.

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