Monday, February 18, 2013

Catching up !

More than a month since I made my last posting. It has been a very hectic month and I do not know  how to catch up.  I guess, I will go day by day, since we never stayed put anywhere and each posting will be about a new location.
We left Marsh Harbor on the 11th of January, after Big Hopper had had a chance to settle down. We left around 9 in the morning and had an easy and pleasant sail to Lanyard Cay where we anchored. In fact, it took us more than four tries before we could get the anchor to set, not very strongly.
Blue Moon was sailing with us and anchored just behind us. Sherry and Preston joined us after we were both anchored, and we agreed to leave early morning and go throuth the Little Harbor cut.
Which we did, leaving the anchorage at 6:45. We went through the cut without any problem at all and had a very pleasant day sailing into Spanish Wells, motoring only once we sailed past Egg island.

Truthful to my name (Brise Galets), I ran aground hard just inside the harbor of Spanish Wells but managed to wiggle myself out of it before tying up at the local marina, just after they  had closed.
But this was not going to prevent us from having a real good time in Spanish Wells, where I had never been previously.

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