Saturday, December 6, 2014

wet sailing

We had a clear goal: By noon be at less than 400 n.m. from the line. And it
was looking good until 11:30. That's when the showers started steeling all
the wind. And it kept coming heavy rain after heavy rain. At some point we
even thought that there was enough time for Tifille to go to the bathroom.
So she went up, gave it a first try and had to run for cover before
anything could be achieved. Then eventually she went up again and without
wasting time to look for the proper aligment with the earth magnetic field
she did it and came back down in a hurry. The afternoon looks much better.
We are doing 6.5 knots on a direct course towards the finish line with 384
n.m. to go, so it looks good for coming in on the 9th early morning
like maybe 9 in the morning. that would be great !

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