Monday, November 3, 2014

one more day

The sun is still going away before the traditional "happy hour" on Papy
Jovial at 6:30 p.m. So we compromised and we had our 'rhum Punch" with
agricultural rhum from Martinique at 5:30 p.m. Jimmy Buffett woul say that
it is aleays 5 o'clock somewhere. The wind is kind to us at 20 knots on the
starboard beam and we are racing towards Lanzarote at more than 7 knots.
This way we might arrive on the 5th evening before dark. But we can never
have evewrything perfect. The issue of the day is the refrigerator which
apprently has lost its gharge of gaz. Consequentlt it is running non stop
and depleting the battteries joining forces with Arthur, So we will hsve to
run the engine for about one hour to make surewe don't run out of
electricity. We`are not too concerned as this is something that we can
manage. I hope that i will have a little more to say to-morrow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scanmar(Susie) received your email and needs the actual parts off of the diagram. She said 3 other people have contacted her already on your behalf and she has responded to you but not sure if you are getting her emails. Advise if I can help.
Tom Zalewski