Thursday, November 27, 2014


The rolling is becoming moresevere with a swell between 3 and 4 meters high
and the wind straight from the back ENE at 30 knots sustained.During the
morning shift. the steering lines of Firmin broke . actually. therigger in
granville had installed a sleeve on the line which started slipping under
tension and then slipped out of the hole where it is attached to the water
paddle. A few hours later, it was the turn of the other line. Jean-Paul
redid the knots hanging upside down from above Firmin and now that the`
sleeves are out of play, we feel more secure. We have now covered more
miles (1529) than what we have left (1615) and we think that unless the
wind drops which is not in the forecast, We have` 10 days of sailing.
Arrival now estimatedas being december 7th at 4 p.m. Jean-Paul myself and
Tifille will be delighted when we tie up at number 5 dock. We all need to
rest and catch up on sleep and rhum.

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